Tuesday 2 November 2010

Another Cheeky Reason why We Love Keller

There is a lot about America that Australians just can't seem to stomach, and it isn't just the now bankrupt Krispy Kreme. Not everything, not always, but there are things.

One thing Aussies don't love about Americans is a perceived lack of humility. Before you get grumpy, I am speaking in gross generalisations. When we an Australian sees something like this:

we rush to the toilet ('bathroom' for my American friends) and vomit. Why the massive cheesy photo of the pastor and his wife? To an Aussie, it makes no sense.

But Keller is not like that. He is much subtle and I think that appeals to Aussies in particular. Go to his page, his name in listed in the staff directory like everyone else. No massive airbrushed photos of Tim and Kathy with perfect hair and ridiculously white teeth.

See, you can be a fan of Keller without feeling like you are worshiping some form of Christian demigod. As Australians, we like that.

I am trying to not do more than one post a day, that is why this is a cheeky one.

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